
  • จุฑารัตน์ คชรัตน์
  • มนต์ทิวา ไชยแก้ว
  • นุรซีตา เพอแสละ


Special Administration Zone In Southern; Border Lifelong Education; Youth


Purposes of the present study were 1) to survey problems and needs of lifelong education management for quality of life of the youth in special administration zone in the southern border (SAZSB) and 2) to present the possible scenario for lifelong education management for quality of life of youth in the SAZSB. In-depth interviews were conducted for problems and needs survey. Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research, Cross-impact analysis, and Scenario planning were also employed for searching of ideas and roles of educational agencies and related organizations. The results may be used for making policies, strategies, measures for promoting lifelong education management and for quality of life of youth in the SAZSB in the next decade. The results revealed that;

The Optimistic-realistic Scenario showed that curriculum and learning contents should agree with ways of life and needs of people in this area. The curriculum development should not be based only on foreign theory. The following contents should be emphasized in the lifelong education curriculum; nation’s history, civics, vocational skills of the 21th century, and English communication skills.

The Pessimistic-realistic Scenario suggested that educational policy making in the SAZSB should not emphasize human stability than national security.

The Most-probable Scenario for lifelong education management for quality of life of youth in the SAZSB can be divided into 5 scenes. Firstly, various clusters of people in the SAZSB should get involve in lifelong education curriculum process.

Secondly, teaching methods and activities in the youth center should equally allow the youth to conduct their religious activities. Religious and vocational skills should be included in the leaning activities, thus the youth can use these skills for their jobs in the future.

Thirdly,teachers and trainers should love and understand nature of the SAZSB area. They should have authentic spirit of teachers and should consider in principle of truth, justice, love, and freedom.

Fourthly, private sectors, parents, community organizations, religious organizations, local businesses, and other organizations should be promoted to participate in education process. The youth center should recruits allvalued-human resources in the community for youth learning activities, for examples, local wisdomand local experts.

Finally, various measurement methods should be employed in learning measurement process. Standardized national test should be reformed to be a literacy-based test which should conform to the youth’s daily life situations. A new standardized national test results should be used for educational accountability, for examples, teacher and learning center evaluation.


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How to Cite

คชรัตน์ จ., ไชยแก้ว ม., & เพอแสละ น. (2020). SCENARIO OF LIFELONG EDUCATION MANAGEMENT TO DEVELOP THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE YOUTH IN SPECIAL ADMINISTRATION ZONE IN SOUTHERN BORDER. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 6(2-03), 63–80. retrieved from