The 0bjectives of this research were 1. To study was to examine the context within the community and outside the community context. A conservative approach involves herbal elixir Thailand to care about male sexual performance. 2. To study the effects of conservation Thailand herbal elixir that care about male sexual performance. And 3. To study the conservation of medicinal elixir Thailand to care about male sexual performance. This research study using qualitative research with documentary research and in-depth interviews. Community Population Municipality Mai. Pho Chai Roi Et province consisting of 84 people who were among the 21 professionals who perform the work of 42 people and general groups of 20 people and the general public of this research. The qualitative research.
The research findings wear as follows:
The research results indicated that elements of the conservation of Thai longevity tonic herbs with properties of treating a syndrome concerning sexual potency and impotency according to the pharmacopeias of wasting disease consisted of 2 elements : 1) the body of knowledge of ancient wisdom inherited from ancestors through a recitation from recipes and an interpretation using knowledge and experience of descendants , 2) the situation of problems and the ways of conservation of Thai longevity tonic herbs with properties of treating a syndrome concerning sexual potency and impotency according to the pharmacopeias of wasting disease. Many kinds of herbs were extinct in natural forests because the natural forests were destroyed so the herbs were also decreased. Thus, they must be conserved through 7 stages : 1. plant selection , 2. soil preparation , 3. planting 4. Watering, 5. fertilizing, 6. weeding, and plant propagation. The pattern of conservation of herbs of Chiang Mai Sub-District municipal community was conducted in a form of learning by doing through learning , observing from learned persons and one’sexperience. The herbs were planted in experimental patches and improved properties according to the principles guided by state and private organizations , this way led to community’s success while each family planted herbs instead of a mono crop and they could firmly lead their life by this occupation.
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