A Model of Morality and Ethic Indoctrination of Young Generation by Buddhadhamma though Morality Clinic Project Driving Mechanism of Buddhist Teaching Monks


  • Phramaha Krisada Kittisobhano (Saelee) Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Morality and Ethic, Young Generation, Buddhadhamma, Morality Clinic , Buddhist Teaching Monks


The objectives of this research were 1) to study principles, approach and model to Morality and Ethic Indoctrination of Young Generation by Buddhadhamma though Morality Clinic Project Driving Mechanism of Buddhist Teaching Monks.,            2) to analysis problems and obstacles for Morality and Ethic Indoctrination of Young Generation by Buddhadhamma though Morality Clinic Project Driving Mechanism of Buddhist Teaching Monks and 3) to propose the model to Morality and Ethic Indoctrination of Young Generation by Buddhadhamma though Morality Clinic Project Driving Mechanism of Buddhist Teaching Monks. The researcher used the mixed research method comprising both qualitative and quantitative approach. For the quantitative research, the study was conducted by collecting the data 392 students. The simple size was calculated by using Taro Yamane formula. The samples were selected from regions, central at Bangkok and Ayutthaya, North at Chiangmai province, Northeastern at Khonkean province, and the South at Nakhonsi thammarat. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics including percentage, mean and standard deviation. For qualitative research, the study was conducted by in-depth interviewing from 18 key informants selected by purposive method and focus group selected from 5 schools administration, 6 Buddhist missionary monks, 6 provincial cultural authorities and 4 college instructors. By then the researcher used the information receiving from the 9 focus group to back up the research model.   The data were analyzed by using content analysis. 

The research findings were as follows:

1) The principles and approach and model to the Morality and Ethic Indoctrination of Young Generation by Buddhadhamma though Morality Clinic Project Driving Mechanism of Buddhist Teaching Monks found 9-model to promote Morality and Ethics in schools of Buddhist Missionary Monks following 1. Consultant model for solving the lack of Morality and Ethics 2. Up to date dialog and sermon model for suitable in each school 3. Training for the youth behavior and Dhamma practice model through sensitive seminar and training. 4. Buddhism Activity model in school or community 5. Action plan for Morality and Ethics create the curriculum for school and community to be the Dhamma learning systems must be for using development 6. Recording form for activities attendance and students record model.    7.  Development tools in changing for model behavior of the student  8. Merit camp model and 9. Set up target group and school appraisal model. Those said 9-model were integrated with Trisikka , Four noble truths, Iddhipada 4 , and Pavana 4 to promote morality and ethics of students.

2) From the questionnaire respondents were 283 men ( 72.2 %) , age between 19-21 years were 199 persons ( 50.8 %)  and education level in vocational diploma were 238 persons ( 60.7 %) and majority of them were attended in ethics clinic 1-5 times 251 persons ( 64.3 %) and The level of student opinion for  the model to Morality and Ethic Indoctrination of Young Generation by Buddhadhamma though Morality Clinic Project Driving Mechanism of Buddhist Teaching Monks found that students opinion had in the high level (  = 4.06 ,S.D.=0.510) and consider all aspects were in high level. The problems, obstacles and suggestions found that Buddhist Missionary Monks could use activities in the part of all students. Then the Dhamma activities should be adjusted by all students behavior to support Buddhist Missionary Monks must be encouraged by community , parents and schools.

3) The model for the Morality and Ethic Indoctrination of Young Generation by Buddhadhamma though Morality Clinic Project Driving Mechanism of Buddhist Teaching Monks was PICD:SCP MODEL which represents as : 1. Prevention           2. Improvement 3. Change 4. Development with school community and parent and follows by 4 strategies as such as 1) build the immunity with the additional building of  morality virtue seriously  continuously 2) change the behavior of risks  group student to be a good person 3) Encourage target group students to uphold morality virtue and 4) Reinforcement and  development of virtue morality activity for students cooperation , Family institution , schools , and the community.


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How to Cite

Kittisobhano (Saelee), P. K. . . (2019). A Model of Morality and Ethic Indoctrination of Young Generation by Buddhadhamma though Morality Clinic Project Driving Mechanism of Buddhist Teaching Monks. Journal of MCU Social Science Review, 8(1), 59–70. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jssr/article/view/171535