Environmental Management, Report, Casual Relationship ModelAbstract
The objective of this research was to study on the casual relationship model of the feature factors influencing environmental management report of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The research was conducted by studying data from the Annual Report (Form 56-1), annual financial statements and 2015 Financial Statements notes with a sample population from 362 companies. Data of the structural equation model were analyzed by a statistical program called Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model.
The results of consistency test of the causal relationship model of corporate feature factors (CHA) influencing the Environmental Management (EVM) report found that the model by assumptions was consistent with empirical data, with the following statistical test; 16.22 Chi Square, 0.062 statistical probability (p), 9 degrees of freedom (df), 1.80 for 2/2 value, 0.047 RMSEA, 0.033 SRMR, 0.99 GFI, 0.98 CFI, and 0.96 AGFI. In addition, the latent feature variable of the company (CHA) had a direct positive influence on the environmental management (EVM) report at a statistical significance of 0.01, with influence coefficient of 0.26.
Keywords: Environmental Management, Report, Casual Relationship Model
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