Factors Predicting Impulse Purchasing Behavior on e-commerce Platform in Thailand
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This research focuses on the study of impulse online purchasing behavior on e-commerce platforms in Thailand. The objectives of this study are twofold: 1) to examine marketing factors, such as Online Visual Merchandising, Direct email marketing, Celebrity endorsements, and Sales promotion, which can lead to impulsive online purchases; and 2) to investigate the influence of marketing factors on Online Visual Merchandising, Direct email marketing, Celebrity endorsements, and Sales promotion to predict impulsive online purchasing behavior on e-commerce platforms in Thailand. The study employs quantitative research methods, employing an online survey approach to collect data from a sample of 431 internet users in Thailand, aged between 20 - 45, who have engaged in online shopping through e-commerce platforms. The research findings indicate that factors such as Online Visual Merchandising, Celebrity endorsements, Direct email marketing, and Sales promotion have statistically significant correlate with the dependent variable, the impulse decision to buy products online. Factors predictive of impulsive online purchasing decisions include Online Visual Merchandising (β = 0.345), Celebrity endorsements (β = 0.160), and Direct email marketing (β = 0.147). The predictive power of these factors for impulse online purchasing decisions is 25.1%, with an R Square (R²) confidence coefficient of .251 (F = 47.588, p < .05).
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