A Causal Model of Factors Affecting Instructional Communication Effectiveness of Instructors of Different Generations in Thai Higher Education Institutions

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Teerawan Opasbut
Patchanee Cheyjunya


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop causal models of factors affecting instructional communication effectiveness of instructors of different generations in Thai higher education institutions, and 2) examine the congruence of the constructed model with the empirical data. This research is a quantitative method research, by collecting data from a sample of 195 students aged over 20 years old, who had learning experiences with instructors from the three different generations for at least one academic year. The instructors were required to have at least 10 years of teaching experience. The quantitative research findings reveal that all constructed causal models affecting instructional communication effectiveness of instructors of different generations in Thai higher education institutions are congruent with the empirical data at a statistical significance level of 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001. Considering the congruence indices, the causal model of Gen B Gen X Gen Y and instructors of all generations. All models have 8 out of 11 indices pass the determined criteria, with the following findings: 1) The model of Gen B instructors: Perceived communication competence has a direct positive effect on communication satisfaction, communication satisfaction has a direct positive effect on response to communication and perceived communication problems have a direct positive effect on communication satisfaction. 2) The model of Gen X instructors: Perceived communication competence has a direct positive effect on communication satisfaction and perceived communication competence has a direct positive effect on response to communication. 3) The model of Gen Y instructors: Perceived communication competence has a direct positive effect on communication satisfaction and communication satisfaction has a direct positive effect on response to communication and 4) The model of instructors of all generations: Perceived communication competence has a direct positive effect on communication satisfaction and communication satisfaction has a direct positive effect on response to communication. Overall, the variable of perceived communication competence has the highest total effect on communication satisfaction in all models.

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