Health Belief Model of the Retirees and Reducing Sodium Intake Campaign
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The purposes of this quantitative research were to study the media exposure, attitude, Health Belief Model (HBM) of retired people and persuasive messages to reduce salty consumption campaigns. The respondents include 400 senior citizens who live in Bangkok, Thailand. Questionnaires were distributed randomly via social media and via snowball technique. Both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis were applied to find the differences and co-relation among variables with the significance level at 0.05 The results showed that the respondents were mostly exposed to campaign social media such as Facebook, Website and YouTube. Their attitude toward persuasive messages were rated at the high level. They preferred the campaign messages focusing on the severity of the disease and on adaptability in a daily life. Moreover, their Health Belief Model (HBM) was rated at the high level. It was also demonstrated that retired persons, who had different education and income, had the different level of Health Belief Model (HBM) with statistical significance level of 0.05. Moreover, it was found that their attitude toward persuasive messages were correlated with the Health Belief Model (HBM) with statistical significance level at 0.01. Lastly, the media exposure was correlated with the Health Belief Model (HBM) with statistical significance level at 0.01.
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