Communication Guidelines for Sustainable Development of Thai Listed Companies

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Kantaphat Thanakunjiraphat
Patchanee Cheyjunya


         The research objectives are to understand the communication process in order to create the Communication Guidelines for Sustainable Development based on system theory and relevant conceptual frameworks. This is a qualitative research which relies on data analyzed from published data by the organizations as well as in-depth interviews with executives and employees who work in Thai Listed Companies recognized for outstanding sustainability performance in 2019. The number of key informants in this research is 28 from 8 companies and 8 related agencies.
         The results show that there are numerous input factors for communication for sustainable development of Thai Listed Companies, namely, the sustainability management structure, the vision, mission, and values, Sustainability Policies and Practices, Materiality Analysis and Assessment, corporate strategy and planning, and analysis of stakeholders’ expectations. These input factors are such important information for the communication process since they lead to formulate and design messages, to plan channel strategies, and to process communication for sustainable development eventually. While the output factors are perception and understanding, friendly-innovation for social and environment, Risk and Crisis Management, Disclosure and Transparency, etc. The outcome factors include satisfaction, confidence and acceptance, corporate image and reputation, engagement and loyalty, creating shared value, managing stakeholders’ needs and expectations, crisis adaptation, balanced sustainability in all dimensions, etc.
         Communication for sustainable development can be regarded as being unique as it is created to maintain balance in all dimensions of sustainability, which also promotes the transformation of ideas, methods, and work processes for both oneself and the organization. These transformations aim to lead social and environmental changes not only in the country but also in the world society continuously. Therefore, communication for sustainable development can be considered as “the communication for changes”.

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