Concept and Practice Based Instruction on Learning Outcome in Advanced Statistics for Research in Educational Administration
Concept and Practice Based Instruction,, Educational Administration,, Advanced StatisticsAbstract
This study aimed to achieve two objectives: (1) to compare the learning outcomes of doctoral students in the Educational Administration program enrolled in the course Advanced Statistics for Research in Educational Administration before and after instruction based on Concept and Practice Based Instruction; (2) to assess the students' satisfaction with the instructional approach employed in the course. The population consisted of 10 doctoral students in the program of Educational Administration. The study was conducted over a six-month period. There were two types of research instruments comprising (1) a test, and (2) a satisfaction assessment form. Data were collected directly by the researcher. Data analysis utilized descriptive statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The findings indicated that: (1) the posttest mean scores of students’ learning outcomes, following Concept and Practice Based Instruction, were significantly higher than pretest scores at the 0.05 level; and (2) overall, the students expressed a high level of satisfaction with the course. The aspects receiving the highest satisfaction ratings were instructor characteristics and learning support resources, both achieving equal mean scores. These were followed by satisfaction with instructional management and measurement and assessment, respectively.
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