Community Management Innovations to Strengthen the Local Economy of Agricultural Tourism Community Enterprises in Samut Songkhram Province


  • Chumpon Rodjam -
  • Panyada Chantahkit
  • Eakolarn Chotianusorn


Community Management, Local Economy, Community Enterprises


The purpose of this research is to study the situation and needs of community management to create and evaluate community management innovations. Development of production capacity of goods and services marketing promotion in terms of taming community tourism routes and human resource development to strengthen the local economy of agricultural tourism community enterprises, Samut Songkhram Province. The sample of the research consisted of (1) 30 community leaders, (2) a group of 200 members, (3) 30 representatives of the chairman and community enterprises, and (4) 5 qualified people for the evaluation. Group discussion questionnaire for exploratory component analysis satisfaction assessment questionnaire and development model audit assessment questionnaire. The data analysis used the mean and standard deviation methods and content analysis.

The results of the study show that (1) the situation of community management in three main areas: production of goods and services, linking tourism routes, and human resource development, (2) creating community management innovations, including the development of packaging and the creation of brand identity of community products. Promotion of agricultural tourism and development of human resource training courses. (3) evaluation of community management innovations using 4 aspects of evaluation found that the innovations are accurate. Suitability It received a high evaluation score which can be used as a guide for community management to strengthen the local economy of agricultural tourism community enterprises in Samut Songkhram Province.


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How to Cite

Rodjam, C. ., Chantahkit, P., & Chotianusorn, E. . (2024). Community Management Innovations to Strengthen the Local Economy of Agricultural Tourism Community Enterprises in Samut Songkhram Province. Journal of Innovation and Management, 9(2), 135–147. retrieved from



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