Reinventing the Career Classroom by Families


  • Wutipong Janmuangthai -
  • Chumpon Rodjam
  • Anaphat Nongkoo


Reinventing, Career Classroom, Home School


The objective of this research was to study the transformation of the classroom by families, and create a model suitable for professional classroom development by families. It is Qualitative Research, Learn from the concept of career classroom development and family-based education management.

The study found that: The right model for transforming the career classroom by the family is 4 Learning go Career Classroom by Families Model, consist (1) The family-based learning process consists of 5 Elements: Curriculum and Learning Management, Media and Learning Support Resources, Teaching Learning Process and Assessment of Learning. And (2) Transforming the Career Classroom in 3 Elements: Vocational Education, Family and Organization.

This will guide educational institutions to design and improve their curriculum to keep pace with the advancement of technology. Modernizing the family-based teaching process appeals to parents, ruler and learners to be able to make decisions that are not difficult. It also includes acquiring knowledge and practical skills

Leading 4 Learning go Career Classroom by Families Model let's apply it in vocational institutions. This will guide vocational education institutions to design family-based learning management courses to keep pace with the advancement of technology, to be a model for professional classrooms by families and Vocational education organizations should be encouraged to continue to take continuous and concrete action.


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How to Cite

Janmuangthai, W., Rodjam, C., & Nongkoo, A. (2024). Reinventing the Career Classroom by Families. Journal of Innovation and Management, 9(2), 7–19. retrieved from



Research Articles