The Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors on the Relationship between CSR Perception and Contextual Performance in Textile Industry
CSR Perception, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Contextual PerformanceAbstract
The investigation of corporate social responsibility and organizational citizenship behavior has garnered significant attention from both practitioners and academics, leading to the development of organizational behavior research. The objective of this research is to investigate the impact of CSR perception on contextual performance in the textile sector in Thailand, with a particular focus on the mediating role of organizational citizenship behaviors. This study employed a probability sampling technique, which is stratified random sampling. The present study was carried out in the country of Thailand, with a sample size of 335 employees who were employed and participated as respondents. The results of this study indicate that the perception of CSR has a beneficial impact on contextual performance. This relationship is mediated by organizational citizenship behaviors. Hence, the research indicates the significance of improving contextual performance through the incorporation of organizational citizenship behaviors, as perceived through the lens of CSR.
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