The Mediating Effects of Work Engagement and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Relationship between CSR Reputation and Contextual Performance in MSMEs
CSR Reputation, Work Engagement, Organizational Citizenship Behavior Toward the Organization, Contextual PerformanceAbstract
Work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior is the most widely researched topic in the field of organizational behavior. The main objective of this research is to study the relationship between CSR reputation and contextual performance by mediating work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior toward the organization in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). A probability sampling technique was used in this study with stratified random sampling. This study was conducted in Thailand with a sample of 421 employee respondents. These findings suggest that CSR reputation positively affects contextual performance by two mediators which are work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior toward the organization. Therefore, this research suggests the importance of how to enhance the contextual performance of employees with work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior toward the organization on CSR reputation.
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