A Diagnosis System of the Quality of Research before Academic Position Submission
A Diagnosis System of The Quality of Research, Diagnostic Form of The Quality of Research, Effectiveness, EfficiencyAbstract
The objectives of this research were (1) to develop a diagnosis system of the quality of research before academic position submission, and (2) to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the developed diagnosis system. For quantitative research, the sample were 10 research reports. For qualitative research, there were three group of samples consisting of 9 research specialists, ten qualified experts assessing academic performance and academic ethics and codes of conduct, and 10 stakeholders (Dean, Head of Department/Course Director and lecturers who applied for academic positions). The research instrument comprised a research quality diagnostic form, an effectiveness and efficiency evaluation form, and an in-depth interview form. Data collection was divided into 3 phases: system development, experimentation, and conclusion. Descriptive statistics were used for quantitative data analysis and content analysis (theme and sub-theme analysis technique) was used for qualitative analysis. The findings revealed that (1) the process of the research quality diagnostic system before academic positions submission comprises 3 steps: Step 1 Select the research article, Step 2 Diagnose the symptoms, and Step 3 Report symptoms, (2) the efficiency of the research quality diagnostic system are at a good level (Mean = 2.77, SD = 0.24) and also the effectiveness of the research quality diagnostic system are at a good level (Mean = 2.85, SD = 0.24).
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