Marketing Mix Affecting Relationship Loyalty of Parents for Their Children to Study in Wimol Sriyan Technological College


  • Kanokon Kothpab Wimol Sriyan Technological College
  • Arunroong Wongkungwan Faculty of Management Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Bundit Pungnirund Faculty of Management Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
  • Vimolsri Sansuk
  • Pranee Tridhoskul
  • Anunya Thanasrisuebwong
  • Siri-orn Champatong
  • Nattapong Tacharattanased


Marketing Mix, Loyalty, Parents for Their Children to study in Wimol Sriyan technological college.


          The purpose of this research was to study marketing mix affecting relationship loyalty of parents for their children to study in Wimol Sriyan technological college. The sample used in this research parents for their children to study in Wimol Sriyan technological college year 2015. The research instrument was a questionnaire to collect data. Statistics for data analyze included the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test or One-way ANOVA analysis of variance for hypothesis testing and Least Significant Different (LSD) or testing the difference between of variance group by Levene's test for multiple comparisons at .05 level of statistical significance and Pearson correlation coefficient. The using by computer software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences.
          The Hypothesis testing of marketing mix of parents for their children to study in Wimol Sriyan technological college overall of the product, price, place, promotion, marketing, personnel, service process and the physical environment affecting relationship loyalty overall of parents for their children to study in Wimol Sriyan technological college include the intention children to study in Wimol Sriyan technological college. And advice parents others to study in the Wimol Sriyan technological college on both sides relationship in the same direction medium statistically significant at the 0.01 level.


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How to Cite

Kothpab, K., Wongkungwan, A. ., Pungnirund, B. ., Sansuk, V., Tridhoskul, P. ., Thanasrisuebwong, A. ., Champatong, S.- orn, & Tacharattanased, N. . (2016). Marketing Mix Affecting Relationship Loyalty of Parents for Their Children to Study in Wimol Sriyan Technological College. Journal of Innovation and Management, 1(-), 6–14. retrieved from



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