Roles of government and private sectors in developing logistics management systems of truck transport operators of small and medium enterprises in Thailand


  • Ruengrawee Malicharernwong College of Innovation and Management, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University


Role, Logistics management, Transport, Truck, SMEs


          The roles of government and private sectors in the development of logistics management system in the context of truck transport operators, small and medium enterprises in Thailand should be integrated. This cooperation includes (1) plan the integration plan, (2) central organization selection, (3) human resource management, (4) control tracking, (5) the application of modern technology systems, (6) legislation that facilitates the road transport, and (7) create a network of alliances, business partnerships between government sectors, private sectors, financial institution, educational institution, research and development Institute, consumers and foreign businesses to create links from the national and regional strategic plans to enhance the management of the public and private sectors on the development of logistics management systems for truck operators, medium-sized enterprises and small size in Thailand. This is considered the foundation of the road transport sector and logistics systems to be developed for effective competition and resulting in the economic system of Thailand to be able to be strongly and stably driven and competitive at the world level.


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How to Cite

Malicharernwong, R. . (2019). Roles of government and private sectors in developing logistics management systems of truck transport operators of small and medium enterprises in Thailand. Journal of Innovation and Management, 3(-), 106–115. retrieved from



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