Supporting Factors That Affect the Learning Achievements of Students Majoring in Performing Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Mahasarakham University

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Ajjamaporn Chaivisut


This research is a kind of both quantitative and qualitative study aiming to 1) investigate the supporting factors on the learning achievements of students at the faculty of Fine Arts majoring in Performing Art, Mahasarakham University 2) explore the guidelines to develop the quality of instructional process of Performing Art major, faculty of Fine arts, Mahasarakham University. The samples implemented in this research were 194 students of Performing Art major, faculty of Fine arts, Mahasarakham University studying the curriculum of Bachelor of Fine Arts, major in Dancing Arts (new curriculum B.E. 2539) and the curriculum of Bachelor of Fine Arts, major in Performing Art (revised edition B.E. 2550) and 12 lecturers from the curriculum of Bachelor of Fine Arts, Performing Art major. The instruments used to collect data were the structural questionnaire and group discussion. The data was analyzed by statistic methods namely frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, including Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and content analysis. The analyzed data was compiled and presented in the form of analyzed narration.
The findings of the research reveal that 1) the supporting factor on education of students majoring in Performing Art, faculty of Fine Arts, Mahasarakham University is the attitude towards learning that shows the different of significance at .05 2) the guidelines for developing the instructional process of Performing Art major, faculty of Fine Arts, Mahasarakham University are (1) set the desired characteristics of the graduates in relevant to the declaration from the Ministry of Education on the standard of higher education in the aspect of graduate quality (2) implementing the concept of quality assurance of the curriculum on learning instruction in 21st century to set the plan to decentralize the responsibility of curriculum mapping (3) arrange a seminar or workshop on “Designing and Developing the Learning-Teaching Instructions” to enhance learning and teaching efficiency and increase the learning achievements  of the students and (4) promoting the positive attitudes to the students majoring in Performing Art using the theory of learning autonomy as the model of learning-teaching instructions and students have opportunity to participate in designing and planning their own learning approach.

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How to Cite
Chaivisut, A. (2018). Supporting Factors That Affect the Learning Achievements of Students Majoring in Performing Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Mahasarakham University. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(1), 73–88. สืบค้น จาก