Organizational Conflict Management Model for the Automotive Industries in Eastern Region

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Korakot Ong-ard


This study aimed to study the causes of conflict and conflict management model in the organization of Eastern automotive industries to present the conflict management policy in the organization of Eastern automotive industries.  The researcher used qualitative research methods by synthesis the Labor Lawsuit, Labor Court, Region 2 at Rayong Province. There were 978 lawsuits, 432 unconfirmed lawsuits and 546 lawsuits were settled in 2013 - 2057 litigated and a court case has been finalized. By specifying the size of the sample from the Krejcie & Morgan (1970) formula, the sample size was 280 lawsuit cases. Then take an in-depth interview with industry judges and executives involved in 9 lawsuits. The researcher conducted a specific interview (Purposive Smiling) or only those involved in the prosecution case.  
The study results;
1.  The cause of the conflict is 1) the information must be clear 2) the benefits can be acceptable to both parties 3) the appropriate structure management within the organization good 4) good relationship must be respected to each other 5) have a good attitude, values & trust each other 2. Conflict management model has 7 methods that as    1) Conflict management with Compromise method 2) Mediation method 3) Reconciliation method 4) Collaborative approach 5) Avoidance methods 6) Confrontation methods and    7) Force method. 3.  Good conflict management policies must be in accordance with the labor law that provides for the rights and duties of employers, employees who are required to deal with each other clearly. Reducing Employment Abused to be fair to both parties, it is important to realize that employees and employers have mutual interest and creative a good working atmosphere without prejudice and destruction to each other.


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How to Cite
Ong-ard, K. (2018). Organizational Conflict Management Model for the Automotive Industries in Eastern Region. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(1), 89–102. สืบค้น จาก


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