Development of The Desirable Characteristics via Contemplative Education

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Narumol Jangasem
Thanapol Bundasak
Kanokporn Thainkumsri
Soontaree Sittisongkram


The contemplative education is significant co-curricular activities that lead the student to deeply transform within themselves. There are three characteristics in the contemplative education that include deep listening, and contemplation and meditation that lead students to have compassion for themselves and others, sacrifice for a profession, be aware of a value and human dignity, and provide holistic care for the patient. In this article, the author suggests the development of desirable characteristics of the student by using the contemplative education camp. The purpose is that the student can apply the concept of contemplative education to their ordinary living for developing desirable characteristics of the student. The student reflects the desirable characteristics that include ethics and moral, knowledge and cognitive skill, interpersonal relationship and responsibility, communication, and professional practice. These desirable characteristics promote nurses to be preparedness of physical, psychological, emotional and intellectual that lead nurses to provide humanize care to the patient, and be happy in this career

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How to Cite
Jangasem, N., Bundasak, T., Thainkumsri, K., & Sittisongkram, S. (2017). Development of The Desirable Characteristics via Contemplative Education. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(3), 48–62. สืบค้น จาก