Paññãsikha : the Process for the Development of Wisdom Basedon the Visuddhimagga

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Phra Thanat Vaddhano


The process of developing the wisdom according Vissuddhi Magga Scripture is of the aim to develop the knowledge to attain Nibbãna or the extinguishing of the Sufferings, with the process of the self development according to principle of the Three Sikkhas :- Sĩla, Smadhĩ and Paññã, by explaining the Truths and the disadvantage from the delicate practice of the Doctrines. The practices can understand the knowledge arriving from the practice of the Dammas. The levels of the knowledge in Vissuddhi Magga Scripture are of two kinds :- 1. The worldly knowledge which is the low one for the general people. 2. The unworldly   knowledge which is the high one possessed by Ven. Phra Arahantas who are free from all the defilaments and are not to be reborn.

             The study and the practice for attaining the Dhammas which are high aims. This type of teaching in only in Buddhism. The Buddha preached the Four Noble Truths to help the diciples to attain the Dhammas. Thus the practisers can use the principle of Majjima – Patipatã to train their wisdoms. On attaining the Dhammas, the practicers should pracetise Samatha Kammattãna and Vipassana Kammattãna together. When the practisers can realize the Vipassanã Ñãna, them can attain the Magga and the Phala. 

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How to Cite
Vaddhano, P. T. (2017). Paññãsikha : the Process for the Development of Wisdom Basedon the Visuddhimagga. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 6(3), 1014–1027. สืบค้น จาก