Making the living Standard of communities in Thai Society

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Pichit Purimart
Phonsetthi Wuttipanyaisakun
Paiwan Purimart
Phrapalad Somchai Payogo
Phra Thanat Vadddhano
Phramaha Weeratis Warinto


Objectives of this research were to :  1) To study the lifestyle of the community in Thailand under the five precepts 2) Analysis confirmed the main elements for the benchmark five precepts the life of the community in Thailand, according to the precepts and five. And 3) to create a standard of life of the communities in Thailand under the five precepts. Methodology The research methodology combined with quantitative research and qualitative research.
The results showed that      
1. Lifestyle community in Thailand under the five precepts as their own culture as a lifestyle change as opposed to a culture outside the village nor the outside following the five precepts because the needs of the community, the village canon. Five factors in particular are essential to life as they can find. The lifestyle of forward knowledge. Members of the community Knowledge outside the community and ancestral knowledge accumulated in the community.
2. The analysis confirmed the five main precepts for creating a standard of life of the communities in Thailand under the five precepts precepts five principal components analysis confirmed that the model is consistent with the empirical data are considered in good standing. This is based on chi - square is equal to the probability of 3.71 to 0.29 degrees of freedom equal to the weight of three elements: the value is significant at 0.05.
3. The standard of living of communities in Thailand under the five precepts. The education community as a way of their own culture into the culture outside the village, less than a third following the five precepts. The aims are three reasons: 1. they are happy 2. Economic 3. Social enjoyed stable self-reliant.

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How to Cite
Purimart, P., Wuttipanyaisakun, P., Purimart, P., Payogo, P. S., Vadddhano, P. T., & Warinto, P. W. (2017). Making the living Standard of communities in Thai Society. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 478–495. สืบค้น จาก