Belief in Traditional Rituals of Buriram Province

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Phrapalad Weerachon Khemaweero
Thananchai Pattanasing
Montira Sakeatong
Rangsitti Vihokhern
Sanguan Lapontan


The research entitled “Belief in Traditional Rituals of Buriram Province aims at 1) the study belief in traditional rituals of population of Buriram Province and 2) to analyze the Buddhist belief in Kamma that involves in the traditional rituals. This research is qualitative research through a narrative method.
 Views towards Kamma in Buddhism are normally deeds always with intention. And when it is analytically integrated with traditional beliefs through rituals of Buriram population consisting of ghosts or deities, the research finds that there is inseparable involvement among Brahminism, Buddhism and locally traditional beliefs in sins, merits, benefits, punishment, good and bad deeds. This trend will be effective in the futue as well because it inspire local people for life enhancement with safety from any damage.
Besides, main purpose of traditional rituals towards ancestors for villagers’ safety and happiness focuses on making merits for those ancestors who passed away. It has been respectfully exercised traditionally for long time with good values for life earning not only of each individual’s betterment, that of familial institution’s harmonious collaboration under seniority respect but societal institution’s improvement systematically without conflict and disorder as well as.

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How to Cite
Khemaweero, P. W., Pattanasing, T., Sakeatong, M., Vihokhern, R., & Lapontan, S. (2017). Belief in Traditional Rituals of Buriram Province. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(2), 123–132. สืบค้น จาก