The Application of Self-Learning Technique in Terms of Writing Articles to the Development of Learning Achievement in Kalasin Buddhist Academic College, Mahamakut Buddhist University

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Pradit Chatcharatkoon
PhraKhru sutheevarasanr
Pinayo Prommuang


The objectives of this classroom research were to compare the learning achievement, to study learning behaviors, and learning satisfaction with the application of self-learning technique in terms of writing articles. The target group was 17 students of the 3rd year in Thai Teaching Buddhism Field. The research was pre-experimental research as One Shot Case Design, conducted 3 hours for 4 times. The research instruments were Learning Achievement Test, Learning Satisfaction Form, and Learning Behaviors Observation Form. The data were analyzed by means of frequency, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The results of research were found that students’ learning achievement were high, their learning satisfaction at the highest level. Their learning behaviors were found they did not study lessons before attending the class and also did not present their papers as assigned. However, they could submit their papers as assigned.

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How to Cite
Chatcharatkoon, P., sutheevarasanr, P., & Prommuang, P. (2017). The Application of Self-Learning Technique in Terms of Writing Articles to the Development of Learning Achievement in Kalasin Buddhist Academic College, Mahamakut Buddhist University. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 469–477. สืบค้น จาก