Analysis to the Ideas of Peace of United Nation (UN)

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Phrakhruwinaithorn Ek Jinavamso
Phrapalad Pradisist Thitabho
Phrakhrudhamma Sathaporn Pabhassaro


Peaceful way guideline and ideas of The United Nations Major tasks
1. peacemaker 2. peacekeeping 3. peace and sustainable development The United Nations were performing these tasks from past till present day. In fact, the reason that The United Nations have been founded is making peace in this world, for mankind can live together without conflict.
All the tasks that The United Nations were performing is just a beginning of peaceful, only external. They are using an agreement as a negotiation tool, to suspend.

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How to Cite
Jinavamso, P. E., Thitabho, P. P., & Pabhassaro, P. S. (2017). Analysis to the Ideas of Peace of United Nation (UN). วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 430–442. สืบค้น จาก