Care for Elderly Dependents in the Northeast of Thailand

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Chavalit Sawatphol
Thavadchai Pengpinit
Akarageach Senanikorn
Waree Srisuraphol


The research objectives were as follows. 1) To study family care for dependent
elderly persons. 2) To study local community care for dependent elderly persons. 3) To
study appropriate care approaches of dependent elderly persons who live in the
northeastern region. The qualitative research was collected with data in the year B.E. 2559.
Data was gathered by in-depth interview, household survey, group discussion, participatory
observation and action meeting in eight sub-districts of Sri Somdet District of Roi-Et
province. The findings were as follows: Taking care of dependent elderly persons living in a
family was responsible by a daughter(s) who was the main caretaker. It called domestic
care. However, the main caretaker had encountered various problems and impacts from
her role such as being inexperienced and lacking knowledge, health and illness, physical
capacity, mental and emotional wellness, and economic and social problems, all which
depended upon levels of dependency for elderly persons. Taking care of dependent
elderly persons living in a local community was through main activities such as home visits
and healthcare at home. It was obtained by outsiders who were kin, neighbors, leaders,
volunteers, local organizations and institutions, local administrative organization, and
public officials. It combined social capital of communities with a state welfare system to
build up a relationship, connection and mutual help. However, roles and responsibilities of
local community in dependent elderly persons care were limited to specific cases,
discontinuous and inaccessible for dependent elderly persons. Increase capacity and
preparation of caretakers is an essential approach for building up mutual help through kin
and neighbors. Additionally, a local mechanism in terms of committee of dependent
elderly persons care for those who are living in a local community should be developed in
cooperation with partners. This was because a local administrative organization has a plan
which was derived from community participation.

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How to Cite
Sawatphol, C., Pengpinit, T., Senanikorn, A., & Srisuraphol, W. (2017). Care for Elderly Dependents in the Northeast of Thailand. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 387–405. สืบค้น จาก