Innovation of Community Mental Health Nursing to create the Drug Free Society Accordance with Principles of Buddhism

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Niphaphatra Euphum


This qualitative research is a participatory action research. It aims 1) to study the
concept, knowledge and diffusion innovation of knowledge of the community network to
prevent drug in accordance with the principles of Buddhism, 2) to study the results of
using the Buddhist community network as the base to manage in the learning experience
for the students in the course “Community Mental Health Nursing”.
The study found that
1) the Buddhist community defines knowledge based on differences in ages, life
experiences and methods used in overcoming life obstacles. The knowledge delivery
emphasizes on the behaviors rather than vocal training. The gather point of the culture
within the community is the extended family structure, which people of all ages live
2) The ‘as real’ family of Buddhism raises love and relationship to students as
they are relatives of one another. They are satisfied with the new members, work together
and support all activities and projects organized by students, lecturers and local
demonstrators to exchange knowledge. For the lecturers, they are able to change their
attitude that research and educational management are their workloads as the opportunity
of academic study and nursing.

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How to Cite
Euphum, N. (2017). Innovation of Community Mental Health Nursing to create the Drug Free Society Accordance with Principles of Buddhism. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 348–362. สืบค้น จาก