An Analytical Study The Roleand Function of The Four Great Kings In Theravada Buddhist Philosophy According to Phraratchaphromyan (Luang Pho Ru-Si Lingdam)’S View

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Phra Todsatep Tasadhammo
Phramaha Sakol Subharamethee


This thesis objectives were the follows: 1) to study the role of the four Great Kings
in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, 2) to study the role of the Four Great Kings in
Theravada Buddhist Philosophy according to Phraratchaphromayan’s view, and 3) to
analyze the role of the Four Great Kings in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy according to
Phraratchaphromayan’s view. The data were mainly collected from the Tipitaka, books,
Commentaries and related documents.
1. The Four Great Kings was ruled the Realm of the Four Great Kings and were
born before Buddhism. Their roles and responsibilities divided into two periods were:
1. Before the Buddhist Era, Brahmanism’s doctrines believed that this world had divinities
for protecting and preserving in the four directions, and believed to one’s who has power
to benefits or harms to the human beings. 2. During periods of Brahmanism and Buddhism,
the Four Great Kings changed their roles to perform good deeds, helping and protecting
Bhodhisatva with their faithful. The one of their role is to preserve the front door of the
realm of the Thirty-three Gods to protect the devils invasion. Besides their roles is to
examine the human beings for reporting them to Indra at Sudhammasabha House.
The bases of meritorious action is a good deed to be born in the realm of the four great
2. The four great kings according to Phraratchaphromyan has two roles, these
were: 1. They were an army angle of Indra’s soldiers to preserve the realm of the Thirtythree
Gods. 2. To control the human beings’ behavior, to record their good deeds in an
account’s merit and bad deeds in an account’s evil to inform to Indra’s shrine for sending
to the office of the lord Yama.
3. The realm of the four great kings were together in circle life under the law of
Karma as well as human beings. They are helping in religious charity of Buddhism and
protect one who practices meditation, it is an initiates to enhance its merits. For hoping
one’s practices free from defilements to enlighten. It is the highest goal of life.

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How to Cite
Tasadhammo, P. T., & Subharamethee, P. S. (2017). An Analytical Study The Roleand Function of The Four Great Kings In Theravada Buddhist Philosophy According to Phraratchaphromyan (Luang Pho Ru-Si Lingdam)’S View. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 269–277. สืบค้น จาก