Operation of the Provincial Administration Nong Khai

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Surakrai Chaisalee
Pakdee Phosing


This research aims to study the operations of the organization. Nong Khai
Comparing public opinion on the performance with age and district of residence. Barriers
feedback on the implementation of the Provincial Administration Khai. The sample
consisted of 400 individuals who were used in the research is a survey estimate. This is the
confidence. The statistics used were 83 percent of the average standard deviation. The
hypotheses were tested by F-test (One-Way ANOVA) determine the statistical significance
level .05.
1. Operation of the Provincial Administration Khai. Overall, operating at moderate
levels. With operations in more three aspects: planning, promotion of investment,
commerce and tourism. Infrastructure The community organizing And to maintain order.
Operations are moderate number four aspects of quality of life. Management and
conservation of natural resources and the environment. Management and support the
mission of the government and the local administration and the religious, cultural and
traditional wisdom.
2. Results of Operations Comparison of Provincial Administration Khai age with
different opinions on the overall operation of the Provincial Administration Khai different.
Statistically significant .05.
3. The comparison of the implementation of the Provincial Administration Khai
district with housing, different opinions on the overall operation of the Provincial
Administration Khai different. Statistically significant .05.
4. The offense Problems and suggestions below should be established and
maintained septic systems every district. Should maintain and promote the livelihood of
the people in every district. Should have the cleanliness of the streets and public places.
Should the creation and maintenance of land and water. Should the promotion of sports
And the local culture. Should provide for the maintenance of the drain. Environmental
management and pollution should be different and should provide for the maintenance of

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How to Cite
Chaisalee, S., & Phosing, P. (2017). Operation of the Provincial Administration Nong Khai. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 261–268. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/85908