Factors Affecting Debt Burden of Farmers Tha Bo District Nong Khai

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Sirinapha Phocapanit
Sanya Kenaphoom


This research aims to study the factors that affect the debt burden of farmers.
Comparison of factors affecting the debt burden of farmers, gender, age, education and
parish residents of different studies and recommendations barriers to the debt burden of
farmers Tha Bo district. Nong Khai Farmers at a sample of 394 was used in the research is a
survey estimate. This is the confidence. The statistics used were 81 percent of the average
standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested by t- test and F-test to determine the
statistical significance .05.
The research result was found as follows:
1. Factors affecting the debt burden of farmers Tha Bo district. Nong Khai Overall
is moderate in a second aspect is the shifting social position and the new values. Three
aspects are moderate consumption. Meet the influence of friends and family care.
2. The comparison of factors affecting the debt burden of farmers Bo district.
Nong Khai, sex, age, education and place of residence, gender and educational differences
that affect the overall indebtedness different. Statistical level. The age of .05 and
residential district. The overall impact on the debt is no different. The statistical level of
3. Farmers Bo suggested the ban should not create an unnecessarily large family
should not drink alcohol. The family should not be gambling. Should not consume the
product more expensive than the competition, do not buy a car without the need to use.
There should be a record accounting income. Should not be a party to take more pages
than the benefits. There should be saving money in the family. Do not allow children to
prestigious institutions rather than quality.

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How to Cite
Phocapanit, S., & Kenaphoom, S. (2017). Factors Affecting Debt Burden of Farmers Tha Bo District Nong Khai. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 192–201. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/85907