The People’s Participation on the Development Plan Making of Bandue Municipality, Muang Nong khai, Nongkhai province

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Sunetiluk Yoktep
Yupaporn Yupas


This research aims to study and to compare the people’s participation on the
development plan making of Bandue Municipality, Muang Nong khai, Nongkhai province
classified by gender, age, education, occupation and income, including the suggestion
about participation on the plan making. The sample was 364 persons living in the area of
Bandue municipality. The instrument was the five rating scale questionnaire with .95 of
reliability. The statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The
hypotheses were tested by t- test and F-test (One-Way ANOVA) to determine the statistical
significance level. 05.
1. The people’s participation on the development plan making of Bandue
Municipality, Muang Nong khai, Nongkhai provinc as overall was moderate Participation in
the two aspects of the involvement of the beneficiaries. And participation in the action.
Engage in moderate two aspects: participation in decision making and participation in
monitoring and evaluation.
2. The people’s participation on the development plan making of Bandue
Municipality, Muang Nong khai, Nongkhai province classified by gender, age, education,
occupation and income as well as the overall participation is no different. The static level.
The public has .05 different studies by different parties involved. The statistical level of
3. The useful suggestion were found that; there should be have the opportunity
to attend community meetings to meet the needs of the community at all times, should
be involved in monitoring the transparency of the operation, the people should be
appointed as members to monitor and evaluate the performance of the development
plan, there should be participate in the presentation of community problems / needs to
support the development plan, the project should be related to the career path of the
housewife group, the reward / reward should be given to people who have joined the
program with the municipality, there should be involved in solving community problems in
development planning, and should be involved in the construction projects that have
taken place.

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How to Cite
Yoktep, S., & Yupas, Y. (2017). The People’s Participation on the Development Plan Making of Bandue Municipality, Muang Nong khai, Nongkhai province. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 182–191. สืบค้น จาก