Good people with gratitude base on Buddhist

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Busakorn Watthanabut
Phra Udomsittinayok
Phramaha Phanuwat Sankham


This article is the academic writing that wish to presentation about the content of
gratitude which is the basic of good people. The Buddha speech in pali language: Phumi
Va Saturupanung Katunyakatavetita or The great Buddha speech as Nimittung
saturupanung katunyukatavetita. The both of them mean the gratitude is a good people
symbol which drive the people become aware of the others both person or others make
the good for them. The Gratitude is live in depth of our mind or the upstream of the base.
Moreover, the aphorism of Thailand as mind over matter that means when your brain
controls your heart rate, it’s mind over matter and was shown that the basic of the living
depend on the basic of mind that drive the person shown their behavior in their society
irrespective of father and mother, professor, king, peers, natural, society and the world.
The good people who have gratitude characteristics will be came to the good people and
be loved with others and always growth in their life.

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How to Cite
Watthanabut, B., Udomsittinayok, P., & Sankham, P. P. (2017). Good people with gratitude base on Buddhist. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 77–86. สืบค้น จาก