Performance role of the Village Committee in Maung Nong Khai District, Nong Khai

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Rattiporn Sirisri
Sanya Kenaphoom


This research aims to study the performance of duties by the village committee.
To compare the role of village councils in Maung Nong Khai. Nong Khai, sex, age, education
district is different, and the way the study was the village of 344 people by the size and
the formula of Taro Yamane tools used. the data collection was a questionnaire about
values. This is a conviction. 90 analyzed by percentage, average, standard deviation.
The hypotheses were tested by t- test and F-test determines the level of statistical
significance. 05
The research result was found as follows:
1. Perform the role of village councils in the city of Nong Khai. Nong Khai were on
duty on the role of village councils in Maung Nong Khai. Nong Khai Overall is moderate
Identification was found that Role in many aspects: the first village development plan.
The average level of five aspects: Director of Administrative and maintain order. The
promotion of economic, social, environmental, and public health. And education Religion
and Culture.
2. Comparison of the performance of duties by the Board of Khai village in the
district. Nong Khai, sex and education level, as well as play a role. not different The static
level. 05
3. Comparison of the performance of duties by the Board of Khai village in the
district. Age and place of the offense as a whole has a different role. The static level. 05
4. Village Council Problems and suggestions about the duty should be to promote
the welfare of the villages should be encouraged and supported integration OTOP Village.
There should be a joint integrated development plan for the village. Care should be taken
to make people obey the laws and regulations of the village. Should encourage and
support the maintenance culture in the village. Should coordinate and monitor the work
of the working areas.

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How to Cite
Sirisri, R., & Kenaphoom, S. (2017). Performance role of the Village Committee in Maung Nong Khai District, Nong Khai. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 42–50. สืบค้น จาก