A New Political Culture in Thailand Harmonious Society : Political Thought and Building the Solidarity Process for the Strengthen Local

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Pansa Bridhyankura Bridhyankura


The Thai society is not currently reconciliation. when looking at the dimension of the city of the people did not dare to show the political opinions, but if the 3D view community empowerment. The Thai society reconciliation community there is a problem with the comment has a conflict, but dare to provide feedback to accept the fact to the community development strong culture of the new city of Thai society reconciliation of Thailand to strengthen the local community template Application Activities create a community empowerment. a reconciliation.      
The conflict is actually in the Thai society economic impact to the city of society and culture under Refine the Buddhist temples in a control system to social peace in the Dhamma. As a rule the process steps troubleshooting in the system. This article is to pay attention to the question "Thai society will be reconciliation of the city in any way," "politicians will have a new View instead of looking at a fight?" "Buddhist Dhamma has come to create a new city highlights solidarity" that will have to be answered in the current situation of conflict the strength of communities from the base of the conflict in the next opportunity. It is used to treat Saraniya-Dhamma start kayakamma vacikamma manokamma Sadharana-bhogi Sila-samannata and Ditthi-samannata.


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How to Cite
Bridhyankura, P. B. (2017). A New Political Culture in Thailand Harmonious Society : Political Thought and Building the Solidarity Process for the Strengthen Local. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(1), 297–305. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/84268