A Model of Improving Job Performance Efficiency in Crime Prevention of Community Police Officers (Koban) of Provincial Police Region 4

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Chonnarong Wuncha


The purposes of this research were to 1) analyze the causal factors affecting job performance efficiency in crime prevention of community police officers (Koban) of Provincial Police Region 4, 2) to design a model for improving the job performance of community police of Provincial Police Region 4 for crime prevention, and 3) to implement and evaluate the model for the job performance efficiency. The samples were 186 community police officers (Koban) of Provincial Police Region 4. The researcher gathered data by using questionnaires,. Focus group consisted the target experts, scholars, police officers and people in communities number of 40. The model was implemented to 15 community police officers, the target population. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Testwas used for the research.
Results of the research were as follows:

  1. Modeling causal relationship findings indicated that the four key factors such as affected participation achievement motivation personality and human relationship and significantly the job  performance of the community police officers at the .05 level.
  2.   The study showed that the model for improving the job performance of the community police officers consisted of 14 activities: 1) self-analysis, 2) mental development, 3) brain storming for  life tree, 4) role-play, 5) emotional development, 6) role and duty recognition, 7) speaking development, 8) good service activity, 9) self-analysis with Jo hari Window, 10) morale building activity, 11) study trip, 12) Akelokiad station, 13) Mix the mix, 14) 5 s activities.
The findings indicated that the overall job performance of the community police officers before and after using the model was significantly different at the .05 level. The job performance efficiency after using the model was significantly better than that of before  using the model.

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How to Cite
Wuncha, C. (2017). A Model of Improving Job Performance Efficiency in Crime Prevention of Community Police Officers (Koban) of Provincial Police Region 4. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(1), 211–224. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/84260