The Form in Promoting Reconciliation and Peacefulness with Five Precepts of People in Saraburi Province

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Phramedhavinaiyaros (Pasiviko)
Phramaha Veerasak Suramate
Salinee Raggatanyoo


This research was composed of three objectives as follows: 1) to study situation on reconciliation and peacefulness promotive situation with Panja Sila of people in Saraburi province, 2) to analytical study on form for reconciliation and peacefulness promotion with Panja Sila of people in Saraburi province in terms of sex, age, occupation, degree of education monthly incomes and family statuses of respondents as differently and 3) to collect the suggestions on the form of reconciliation and peacefulness promotion with Panja Sila of people in Saraburi province. The population were composed of people in Saraburi province were about 100,000 persons, the samples were about 383 persons, the instrument for collection was questionnaire which designed by the researcher with the reliability at 0.97. The statistics were applied as follows; mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA at the 0.05 of statistically significance.
The new findings were found as follows: 1) The reconciliation and peacefulness promotion with Panja Sila by overview was at most level for all aspects. 2) The respondents who were different in terms of sex, age, occupation monthly income, family status and promotive factor found that there were different in reconciliation and peacefulness promotion with Panja Sila for all aspects at the 0.05 of statistically significance, but in terms of degrees of education found that there were not different for all aspects. 3) The collection of suggestion on the form of reconciliation and peacefulness promotion with Panja Sila of people in Saraburi province found that the good form for people because of avoid form killing of life, avoid form wealth stealing and to be respectful for other rights throughout to be control the consciousness and mindfulness as always. This was the form which would bring the reconciliation of group as a result, it would be compassion, kindness and helpfulness each other, to be understanding, good relationship, public responsibility, to adapt themselves along with other, to participate with community’s activities, no division of partiness and to be respectful in reason of large people which would bring the sympathy of as a result, there would bring peacefulness in society and to make country progressiveness and stability.

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How to Cite
(Pasiviko), P., Suramate, P. V., & Raggatanyoo, S. (2017). The Form in Promoting Reconciliation and Peacefulness with Five Precepts of People in Saraburi Province. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(1), 1–14. สืบค้น จาก