An Analysis of Mahatama Gandhi’s Khanti in Peace Building

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Pornchai Sutthirak


This thesis analyzesof Mahatama Gandhi’s Khantiin Peacebuilding. Ithas 3 aims; 1) to study Khanti in Theravada Buddhism 2) to study progressivity of Mahatama Gandhi’s Philosophyin peace building 3) to analyze Ghandhi’sKhantiin peace building. The thesis is Qualitative Researchwith documentary study.
From the research, it is found as the following:
1) The word ‘Kanti’ means patience and tolerance. In particular it is similar to absence of anger in mind. Person should not be elated when one is praised or upset if criticized and psychical suffering.
2) In Mahatama Ghandi,s life he was taught discipline and hindu religious since he was young. When he was 13, he got married and went abroad in law education in UK. After that, he worked in South Africa. He got discrimination from white people there which was the beginning of fighting for rights to the Indians and all people.
3) In spite of his parent is Hinduism, Mahatama Ghandi was taught to be patience and tolerance since he was a young according to Hindu principle. Another part of his life, He challenged by injustice. So, He designed to a determined but nonviolent resistance to evil and pay homage to God. ThenGhandi’s Khanti is become a major tool in against British imperialism.

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How to Cite
Sutthirak, P. (2017). An Analysis of Mahatama Gandhi’s Khanti in Peace Building. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 377–386. สืบค้น จาก


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