The Guidelines of Enhancing the Identity of a Peaceful Community for Sustainable Tourism by Buddhist Peaceful Means: A Case Study of Klong Mahasawat Community, Nakhon Pathom Province

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Wiboon Nimitrwanich


This qualitative research is of 3 objectives: (1) to study the history and the
development of Klong Mahasawat community’s identity, (2) to study the conceptual idea
of enhancing the identity of a community by Buddhist Peaceful Means, and (3) to
analytically study the way to enhance the identity of Klong Mahasawat community in
Nakhon Pathom Province for sustainable tourism by Buddhist peaceful means. The
research is done by the tools of documentary study and an in-depth interview the 13 key
informants among education leaders, lecturer team of Mahidol University, Salya,
community leaders, government officers, religious leaders and scholars - the expert ones in
Klong Mahasawat Community, Nakhon Pathom Province in order to know the principles
and conceptual idea of the development, the community’s characteristics of living
together peacefully by Buddhist peaceful means.
From the research are as followings:-
1) Problems and the Enhancing of the Tourism in Klong Mahasawat Community:
From the study of the history and the development of Klong Mahasawat community’s
identity, it is found that Klong Mahasawat community has got the problem of not
understanding one another among the people who participate in water-way touring
activities with the network outside the area which affects the community’s identity in that
it starts to change and causes making plan in the administration of tourism in the sections
of marketing and public relations by the participation of every part in the community
leading to a concrete community charter of Klong Mahasawat community.
2) The conceptual idea of the community’s identity: It is a part of managing
sustainable tourism that the people in the community should cooperate in preserving their
cultural traditions and its lifestyle. To preserve community’s identity, there must be a
mutual community management for living together in line with the principles of
Saraniyadhamma, one of Buddhist peaceful means that will help harmonize community’s
members in joining the same direction and concept as one unique identity of the
community. This will lead to the enhancement of community’s identity for sustainable tourism.

3) The way to enhance the identity of Klong Mahasawat community: the
community has got the way to manage conflicts by Buddhist peaceful means, the
principles of Saraniyadhamma such as meetings for the agreement of practical way and
performing activities together, having thoughtfulness to one another, sharing or distributing
mutual revenue, and accepting one another. These cause the potentiality of Klong
Mahasawat community to have sustained itself as the source of sustainable tourism up to
the present.


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How to Cite
Nimitrwanich, W. (2017). The Guidelines of Enhancing the Identity of a Peaceful Community for Sustainable Tourism by Buddhist Peaceful Means: A Case Study of Klong Mahasawat Community, Nakhon Pathom Province. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 99–112. สืบค้น จาก