An Application of The Seven Sappaya For Developing Meditation Instructor Course 39 Willpower Institute Branch 73 Wat Pra-Ngam, Trang Province

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Phrakhrusoponbuddharak Dhammaraso


      This Research , a qualitative research done by the tools of documentary study and an in-depth interview with 15 key informants, together withparticipated observation, is of 3 objectives: (1) to study the Seven Sappayain Buddhist Scripture, (2) to study the state of surroundings that affects meditation practice of meditation instructors of Willpower Institute, Branch 73, WatPra-ngam in Trang Province, (3) to apply the Seven Sappaya for develop Meditation Instructor Course 39.
       From the research, it is found the followings:
       1) The Seven Sappaya means the creation of factorial conditions that help the study and practice, support the well-being an practice for the good outcome; it comprises of 7 things: Avasa – resort for alms, Bhassa – matters of talking in supporting the practice, persons whom are pleased, mindfully fresh and calm to be around, Bhojana – food, Utu – temperature, surroundings and Iriyapatha – posture; all of which for convenience and suitability in successfully practicing the learning of meditation instructor.
        2) The surroundings that affect meditation practice of meditation instructors in the past was about the place and the too warm weather, the place for having meals was not proper because of having pets in the temple to bother causing the study of practice of the learners not convenient as it should have been.
         3) The application of the Seven Sappaya to the Meditation Instructor Course yields the affectation to development of the learners in studying the Meditation Instructor Course. It can be concluded in the Model for Developing according to the Seven Sappayaunder the title 1) Place for Peace: The peaceful place in terms of building, weather and transportation, 2) Person for Peace: The people surrounded whose conversation causes mindful pleasure, and 3) Power for Peace: The changing of proper postures with proper food for the practice.

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How to Cite
Dhammaraso, P. (2017). An Application of The Seven Sappaya For Developing Meditation Instructor Course 39 Willpower Institute Branch 73 Wat Pra-Ngam, Trang Province. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(2), 259–272. สืบค้น จาก