The Process of Teaching the Vipassanã for Development of Qualities of Life in Thai Societiy

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Phrakhrusathitdhammalangka Sujato


This research work is documentary one and the conversational one which is of 3 objectives, namely :- 1. to study the viewpoint about the Vipassana Bhavana in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures, 2. to study the process of teaching Vipassana in the important offices in Thai societies, 3. to developing of teaching Vipassana with the success for developing the life qualities, by studying the data connected with the essences appearing in the Three Baskets, the Thai Commentaries and other related documents in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures.
          The processes of teaching the Insight Meditation which arise in the Thai societies are of 4 lines, namely:- Anapanassati Line, Nama - Rupa Line, Rising and Falling Line, and Dhamma-Kaya Line.
           From the study, it is found that Vipassana Bhavana is the training of the wisdom to cause the correct knowledge to the arising things according to the fact.  Such the knowledge are the Four Foundations of Mindfulness:- the body, the feeling, the mind and the Dhamma; otherwise, they are called Rupa and Nama.  Such the fact has been continually existing up to the present time in Thailand with the organs of practices as fallowing : A person must know the bases of Vipassana, the temperaments of Vipassana Bhavana, the practice of Vipassana suitable for a person, the obstacles in practicing the Vipassana, the ways of practicing Vipassana which is the practice of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. The aim of the practicing the Insight Medatation is for extinguishing the suffering and Domanassa in order to attain Nibbana.
           From the study, it is found that the process of teaching Vipassapa at the importance offices in Thai societies consists of 2 ways of teaching, namely; Samatha Kammathana and Vipassana Kammathana equally.  There is a special quotation of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness to be taught the fact, does not cover all the matters. Such as in Kayanupassana, only the groups of Ananpanassati, Iriyapatha, Sammapajana and Dhatu etc.  In Vedananupassana, Citanupassana and Dhammanupassna, they are in the same ways. Only the distinguished teachings are taken up for teaching.  However, when the practiser makes the effort continually with the checking of the process and practices according to the Vipassana teachers advices, he or she will certainly understand the state of realities, the fact of which gives the result to cause one to develop one’s life in the better way, the fact of which causes to the Thai societies to be peaceful.
               The co-operative organ of the successfully teaching of the Insight Meditation for developing the life qualities by holding the principles of Samatha Kammatthana and Vipassana Kammathana according to the principles of the Four Satipatthanas in the Buddhist Scriptures, is of the addition of the methods in the practice especially in the office to help the people to practice easily and with the progress and the ability to check out the results, with the teaching the people to study the practice path and/or the theory one by preaching the Dhammas to them and doing the activities together, also by practicing to be the example, by conversation with asking the temperaments, with the meditation and the practice with the strict rules and orders.  Such the activities cause the process of teaching Vipassana to be of the qualification and to be of the life qualities in Thai societies more and more.  Such the fact arises from the Vipassana practisers’ mental peace and happiness.  It is the result of the process of teaching Vipassana-Bhavana according to the pattern of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness and the trickery ways teaching at each school.

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How to Cite
Sujato, P. (2017). The Process of Teaching the Vipassanã for Development of Qualities of Life in Thai Societiy. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(2), 159–168. สืบค้น จาก
Author Biography

Phrakhrusathitdhammalangka Sujato

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย  มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย