Global Peace Index and Situation of Peace in Thailand

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Chalat Pratheuangrattana


     The Institute for Economics and Peace-IEP has conducted research to measure and compare peace of 163 countries over 10 years. IEP recognized two types of peace: positive and negative peace. The resulting measure of global peacefulness is based on only negative peace because it is more concrete, easier to measure, and consequently there is more complete data than there is regarding positive peace. Negative peace is composed of three main domains and 23 quantitative and qualitative indicators. At present overall global level of peace continues to deteriorate while the gap between the most and least peaceful countries continues to widen. The Middle East and North Africa regions especially have seen level of peace deteriorate significantly due to terrorism causing the deaths of many refugees and displaced persons. For Thailand, the current rank of 125 is better than the prior year. In comparison with 19 countries in the Asia Pacific, Thailand ranks 17, or nearly the last. In the future the trend is to measure global peace by positive peace. 

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How to Cite
Pratheuangrattana, C. (2017). Global Peace Index and Situation of Peace in Thailand. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(1), 306–318. สืบค้น จาก