The Practical form and Examination of Theravada Meditation in Myanmar

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Boonchaya Wiwitkhajorn


        This research has the objectives which are; to study the practical and the examination guidelines in Theravada, to study the practical and the examination of the three Meditation Organization in Myanmar, to study and analyse the practical and the examination guidelines in the Buddhist scriptures and the Meditation Organization in Myanmar.From the research it has found that :
         The practical and the examination guidelines in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures is in according to the Four Foundations of Mindfulness’ Principles. By beginning from Samatha meditation for samathayanika or Insight meditation for Vipassanayanika.
          The practical and the Meditation examination of Phra Sapanamahathera (Mahasi Sayadaw) is the Insight menditation practice according to the vipassanayanika. The Meditation on the Elements (Dhatu – Kammatthana) which is the temperament of Vipassanabhavana,. The practical and the examination of Dr. S.J. Goengka is the way of Samathayanika.Thhus is the Anapanassati practice which is Samathabhavana, which are the temperament of the insight meditation practice. The practical and the examination of the PaAuk Tawya is the Vipassanabhavana practice according to Samathayanika.That is the Anapanassatibhavana which is the temperament of Samathabhavana.The examination also emphasizes on having the examination with the meditation teacher every day.
        The concordance is the practical and the examination way in the Buddhist Scriptures with the Meditation Centres in Myanmar found that the practical and the examination of Phra Sopanamahathera (Mahasi Sayadaw) is the way conformable to the Tiipitaka.but can be summarize that it is the knotting of the Elements (Dhatu Kammatthana).  In order to generate the continuity of Mindfulness. The practical and the examination of Phra Sopanamahathera (Mahasi Sayadaw) is the way conformable to the Tipitaka. For the practical and the examination of Dr. S.J. Goengka is the meditation way in accordance with the Tipitaka as same as the practical and the examination of the PaAuk Tawya International Meditation Centre.

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How to Cite
Wiwitkhajorn, B. (2017). The Practical form and Examination of Theravada Meditation in Myanmar. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(1), 56–65. สืบค้น จาก
Author Biography

Boonchaya Wiwitkhajorn

Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand.