An analytical study of Buddhadhamma interpretation Of Chogyam Trungpa

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Panarat Chansitthiwet


The concepts and theories of Western hermeneutics have its development from ancient Greek philosophy known as ‘hermeneutics’. It is closely to language, because language is an instrument of communicates through language and symbols and there are three of concepts and theories of western hermeneutics, of these they are the Author-centric, the Text-centric and the Reader-centric.

The theory of interpretation or hermeneutics in Theravãda Buddhism, however, is based on the Nettipakaraņa (the guide). On the other hand, the hermeneutics in Mahayana, they follow on the Sandhiniramocana Sutra, a skillful method or Upãya is very important in Mahãyãna. It has four criteria of interpretations as claimed by Pan-chen bSod nam grags pa of these they are as; 1) the intended meaning 2) the foundation of the intention 3) the motive 4) the contradiction if taken literally. The hermeneutics of Vajrayãna is transmission systematically from person to person; by means of public teaching and private teaching. The method to realize the truth, however, is private teaching method and the master would perform with individual masters initiating and teaching individual disciples. Sometimes, the students would need his clarity shattered; the Vajra Master spoke in riddles or symbolically to allow the student to interpret. For the interpretation of Chogyam Trungpa, found that it is a mixed method and in accordance with three majors of Western traditions; emphasize on authors, texts and the readers, including Theravãda, Mahayana, Vajrayana Buddhism. His interpret is based on and accordance with the concept framework of the old Vajra traditions, but he presents in a new form in order to follow the social content. His aim of interpretation of Buddhadhamma is to cultivating one’s spiritual and lives in social content, and he emphasized that one must be abandoned the conventional world and to promote the world of ultimate truth; this two sides of the sameness.

   The aims of Chogyam Trungpa’s interpretation on Buddhadhamma are as follows; 1) to interpret for the real Buddha’s teaching 2) to interpret for reaching compromised views 3) to interpret for universal religious 4) to interpret for overcome tradition’s pattern 5) to interpret for applying to practice and 6) to interpret the language for applying usages.

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How to Cite
Chansitthiwet, P. (2017). An analytical study of Buddhadhamma interpretation Of Chogyam Trungpa. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(1), 154–166. สืบค้น จาก