The Way to Manage Conflicts Arisen from Mana in Theravada Buddhism

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Tanada Wichakana


            This thesis in the form of documentary research is of 3 objectives: (1) to study the contextual idea related to Mana in Theravada Buddhism, (2) to study the conflict state of problems arisen from Mana appeared in Theravada Buddhism, and (3) to present the way to manage conflicts arisen from Mana in Theravada Buddhism.

            From the research, it is found the followings:

1)The contextual idea related to Mana in Theravada Buddhism:Mana is a self-arrogant, conceitedly compared to others to be better than them, equal to them, lower than them, and being so proud.  Mana is a kind of delicate defilement and the binder of animal beings in Vatta; thus, it should be ridded.  Moreover, there still beMana arisen in accordance with the 3 mental states: 1.1) Mana is one of Papancadhamma (Tanha, DitthiandMana), 1.2) Mana is in UtdhambhakiyaSamyojana (the Dhamma binding animal beings with higher level of Dukkha), and 1.3) the Ten Samyojana binding animal beings with the congregation of Dukkha, those are to be in Vatta.  The means to relieve and rid Mana appeared in Tipitaka are the practices of:  AsubhaKammatthana to rid of Raga, Metta to rid of revenge up to Anapanasati (mindfulness on breathing) to rid of MicchaVitakka (false thought), and Aniccasanna to rid of Assamimana by emphasizing on Brahmacariya practice of morality, concentration and wisdom.    

          2) The conflict state of problems arisen from Mana appeared in Theravada Buddhism: The researcher has made the documentary research from 7 books of: The Three Jatila Brothers, The Alavakka Giant, it is found that most states of problems are from different Mana, i.e. Kilesa: Defilements, Papancadhamma, Mana according to mental state involved with the Eight Lokadhamma, Inner and Outer Ayatana, Upadana such as birth, clan, property, duties and works, etc.

3) The way to manage conflicts arisen from Mana in TheravadaBuddhism: From the study, it shows that the way to manage conflicts of the Buddha was flexible which would conform with the conflicts arisen from different characterized Mana, i.e. Dhamma, Morality, the use of psychic power to show miracles for changing the wrong view (Micchaditthi) to the right view (Sammaditthi) emphasizing on having one’s own open mind, leading to the power of faith of belief

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How to Cite
Wichakana, T. (2017). The Way to Manage Conflicts Arisen from Mana in Theravada Buddhism. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 113–125. สืบค้น จาก