Factors of Worshipping Hindu Deities by Sammâditthi in Thai Society

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Krittiya Varodom


This study is qualitative research. The main purpose is to find out the Buddhist way of solution about the unappropriated beliefs which affect both person and society, and this suggestion does not intend to deny their beliefs.
The results is that the Buddhist can worship the Hindu deities by Sammâditthi (the right view) which is not against the Buddhist principle. It is to understand that worshipping deities is worshipping dhamma, and doing ritual is doing Puññakiriyâ-vatthu (grounds for accomplishing merit). Deities are true friends who induce the believers keep the way to nirvana also. However, the persons who can think and follow this concept must have Yonisomanasikâra which is internal factors, and Paratoghosa which is external factors. Paratoghosa are knowledge about deities’s background, Hindu dhamma, Buddhamma, and religious interpretation. If people have Yonisomanasikâra to the belief in Hindu deities, they will see Hindu deities can give utilities to every party, the believers and nonbelievers. The basic Buddhamma supported this concept is Puññakiriyâ-vatthu, Brahmavihâra, Kalyânamitta-dhamma, and Buddhist principle which allow miracle or marvel for teaching only. This research result can be adapted to other believers of different faiths in the like manner.

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How to Cite
Varodom, K. (2017). Factors of Worshipping Hindu Deities by Sammâditthi in Thai Society. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(3), 160–171. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/78291