The Analytical Study Role of the Three Training as the Process Sixteen Ñāṇas (Solasa-Ñāṇa)

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Phrapalad Preecha Gandhako


Research aimed to 1) to threefold in Theravada Buddhism 2) to study the Buddha Wisdom 16 3) to study the role of a threefold movement as a signal 16. this The research combines qualitative content analysis study of the doctrine of threefold and Insight Meditation in Theravada Buddhism, which appears in the Bible. And in-depth interviews with scholars of Buddhism. Analyzed the role of the threefold as procedures for the Insight Insight 16.

The study found a threefold in Theravada Buddhism is practiced or trained. Or practice contemplative prayer consist Atisil virtue virtue and intellectual virtue called hyperbole, brief meditation intellectual precepts precepts as a tool for training practice to clean the body, speech. Meditation is a tool for training practice to calm the mind set it as a single. IP as a tool for training practice to achieve special knowledge.

For Insight 16 in Theravada Buddhism is the knowledge or prudence are 16 reasons, including (1) as a discourse of Wisdom (2) factors and periodontal stuff Mystics (3) Seminar pine Cognition (4. ) Scopus Memorial Park Royal NEDA drugs Yasna mystics (5) Studies at the Mount Scopus Memorial Yasna Wise (6) securities Tour Patna base mystics (7) ah wah Nu Scopus Yasna Wisdom. Wise will take the blame (8) Nippita support Scopus Yasna Wise (8) Mugabe problems Chi Tu gums eye Wise (10) calendar weeks secretary Scopus Yasna Wise (11) Property leg model Expectations leg Wisdom. (12) SattchaLomi Nui's perception or cognition grace (13) Octrpoyan mystics guard descent (14) guide the Wise (15) and Wise (16) factors as the vector signal.

The threefold role as a movement to signal the 16 precepts, meditation and wisdom to come together to promote each other. From training Perform baptisms for physical, speech, clean, pure mind to calm determination is the same one that caused that special place that is, when the sacrament is composed of sixth faculties Cause good conduct and good conduct lead foundations of mindfulness and conscious roots. 4, which is the Noble Eightfold Path will enlightenment factors is progressing well into insight-knowledge 16.

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How to Cite
Gandhako, P. P. (2017). The Analytical Study Role of the Three Training as the Process Sixteen Ñāṇas (Solasa-Ñāṇa). วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(2), 169–180. สืบค้น จาก