Strategies for Effective Internal Quality Assurance of Education Institutions under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 20

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Krongboon Promsri
Suban Muktakosa
Sasirada Pangthai


 The  purposes  of  this  research  were  1)  to  study  the  practice  of  internal  quality  assurance  of   education  institutions  under  the  Secondary Educational  Service Area  Office 20  and 2) to develop  strategies  for effective  internal  quality  assurance  of  the  same  education  institutions. The   research  was conducted in 5 steps : 1) formulation of conceptual  framework; 2) study  the  practice  of  internal  quality  assurance  of  the  Area; 3) drafting  and developing  of  the  desired strategies; 4) review and  confirmation  of  the  draft  strategies; and 5) assurance  of the revised strategies by  a  group of 30 stakeholders.
The  research  findings  were as  follows :
1. On the  whole  the   practice  of  internal  quality  assurance  of  the secondary Educational  Service Area  Office 20 was  rated high.  By aspects  the highest  mean  practice  was  that  of  continuous  development of education quality, followed  by  the aspects of  institution’s standards and  internal  assessment. The lowest mean practice was the aspect of institution development planning for education standards.
2. The  strategies  for effective  internal  quality  assurance  of  education  institutions  under  the  Secondary Educational Service Area Office 20 consisted of 3 strategies and 8 measures as follows., Strategy 1:  Internal Evaluation , consisting of 2 measures. ; Strategy2 : Follow – up Assessment of  Institution Quality, consisting of 2 measures. ; Strategy3 :  Development of Education Quality, consisting of  4 measures. 

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