Strategies for Internal Super Vision in School under General Education Section of Phra Pariyattham School Group 7

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Kom Puangya
Anant Sri-umphai
Wichean Rooyuenyong


Supervision within the school moderately appropriate. By monitoring by providing feedback to the supervisor.  Secondly, school atmosphere supervision and academic leadership. The evaluation aspect of internal school supervision is less appropriate.  For the most desirable supervision conditions, School atmosphere Secondly, the feedback provided to the supervisor, Academic Leadership.  The evaluation aspect of school supervision has the least desirable supervision conditions .Most demanding conditions need to be developed evaluation of internal school supervision. Well-dressed perception.  Secondly, there was the field of internal supervision Secondly, there was the field of internal supervision.         
As for strategies for internal supervision in schools under General Education  Section of  Phra  Pariyattham  School Group 7 the following components were found :  Strategy 1, promotion  and  development of planning for school internal supervision ;  Strategy  2, development of a system of school internal supervision;  Strategy  3,  promotion  and  support  of evaluation of school internal  supervision; and  Strategy  4,  promotion  of  analysis and synthesis of feedback data conducive to development of school internal  supervision 

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How to Cite
Puangya, K., Sri-umphai, A., & Rooyuenyong, W. (2017). Strategies for Internal Super Vision in School under General Education Section of Phra Pariyattham School Group 7. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(3), 317–330. สืบค้น จาก