A Comparative Study of the Teaching Explanation of Dhutanga on Visuddhimagga and Vimuttimagga

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Phra Natthakit Mahissaro


 This research has 2 objectives namely, 1) to study the teaching explanation of Dhutanga on Visuddhimagga and Vimuttimagga, 2) to comparatively study the teaching explanation of Dhutanga on Visuddhimagga and Vimuttimagga. It is a documentary research which studies from religious scriptures, tests and research documents. The result of study is found that :- The teaching of Dhutanga on Visuddhimagga is the contribution of Bhadantácariya Buddhaghosa. He explained about Dhutanga which has 13 ascetic practices consisting of the modest, the contentment, the refinement, the quietness, the notable, the perseverance, the obedience, the well-doing, the flawlessness and the non-defilement. The teaching of Dhutanga on Vimuttimagga is the contribution of Ven. Upatissa. He explained about Dhutanga which has 13 ascetic practices consisting of the modest, the termination of the doubt, the craving removal, the perseverance, the benefit of living a little, the factor has not been specified, the quietness, the commitment, the morality observance, as to serve the purpose in following the pattern of the noble lords.

For the study of Dhutanga on Visuddhimagga and Vimuttimagga, it is found out that both scriptures have the same view in focusing on the explanation for learners to gain knowledge and comprehension about Dhutanga clearly. This will lead to the way of studying and induce to practicing. On the contrary, they have different views in minor details, and explaining the methodological model. Although they have the same teaching subject, the presenting techniques are self-identity. By means of the teaching of Dhutanga on Visuddhimagga supported with an explanation of the Three True Doctrine of the Good and on Vimuttimagga supported with an explanation of the Four Noble Truths. However, ultimately both teachings focuses on the explanation for the absolute accessing process to Buddhism.

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How to Cite
Mahissaro, P. N. (2017). A Comparative Study of the Teaching Explanation of Dhutanga on Visuddhimagga and Vimuttimagga. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(Sp1), 140–148. สืบค้น จาก https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/journal-peace/article/view/77607