Myanmar Democratization Path: Role of Government, Reform Strategies and Arising Challenges

Main Article Content

May Lai Win
Siwach Sripokangkul


This article critiques Myanmar civilian government’s launching steps whether it can really bring to the changes in service delivery and people-oriented culture in accordance with its promise prior to the election. Nonetheless, many stroke-of-the-pen reforms in particularly 100 day agenda —just quick win activities of the government as the facial showcase to the public — no additional contents in the scheme of the former quasi-government. In addition, there are a variety of other inevitable challenges — the potentially volatile Rakhine State, ambitious untimely launch of 21st Century Panglong Conference, and inherited unsolved problems such as land disputes and Myitsone hydro-power project. Especially most executive authority is just concentrated on State Counselor, hence, it is unlikely to become uncontrollable power and turning towards the more fragile state with lack of legitimacy and check and balance of power. Consequently, there frequently occurred the more unstable conditions than the previous government, for instance, bomb explosion in Yangon City. As such, the military will take advantage of power seizure again like 1962 event of Myanmar and recent coup d'état in neighboring country Thailand. That’s why; the government should be any more adept at strategies with clear indications of policy positions, lessen huge burden of responsibilities from the shoulders of State Counselor, more importantly, need to find the solution to accommodating the cooperation and consultation for entire ethnicity agreement  and soft launch of the constitutional reform and transformation of rooted impediments — the unelected military parliamentarians —are key for national prosperity, long peace building and establishing democracy for Myanmar.    

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How to Cite
Win, M. L., & Sripokangkul, S. (2017). Myanmar Democratization Path: Role of Government, Reform Strategies and Arising Challenges. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 5(2), 335–347. สืบค้น จาก
Author Biography

Siwach Sripokangkul

College Local Administration, Khon Kaen University
123 Mittraphap Road, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 40002