The Model of Strengthening the Stability of the Family by Buddhist Integration

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Wongphet Kongjan


     The purposes of this research were 1) To study the viewpoint, the development and the principle of supporting the sustainability according the Buddhist view. 2) To study the patterns, the indication and the process of building up the sustainability of family in Thai societies. 3) To propose the pattern of the support to the strength of the Thai families in the pattern of completeness. From the research, it is found as follows:-
      The principles of supporting the strength of families according to the Buddhist viewpoint are: (1) the practices according to the Eightfold Noble Path are Sammã-Ditthi, Sammã-Sankappa, Sammã-Vãcã, Sammã-Kammanta, Samm-Ājĩva, Sammã-Vãyãma, Sammã-Stati, and Sammã-Samãdhi; (2) the principle of enhancing immunities to families which consist of the creation of the internal immunity by having the Three Signs of Anicca, Dhukka and Anatta, and the external immunity of the practice in accordance with the Six Directions.  The results from the mentioned principles are the 3 followings: 1) getting benefits in this world of causing social, economic and educational equalities, and harmonies and happiness in families; 2) getting benefits in the next life; and 3) getting the supreme benefit of Nibbana.
      The process of supporting the sustainability of the present Thai families is of 5 steps:- (1) The change of the viewpoints is of 8 methods (2) The building up of the knowledge is of 4 methods (3) The development of the way of developing the working is of 3 methods (4) The building up of the co-operation is of 3 methods (5) The supporting of the way of approaching the women rights is of 3 methods. This all steps had been working by Ministry of Social Development and Human Security.
      The researcher presents the 3 configuration for strengthening Thai families in the integrated Buddhist perspective as follow: 1) The within of 5 means in a family of a) choosing the right spouse, b) being firm and endured, c) learning the right principles to apply in the family, d) having morality as the base to take good care of the family, and e) paying respect and taking good care of the parents. 2) The within of community or social with the 3 means of a) the choosing of the leader of the community, b) having respect to the rules and regulation of the community or society,  and c) having mutual participation and responsibilities in activities of the community or society. 3) The state policies of 3 means of a) having a lawful designation in case of the children abandoning their parents or the elderly, b) having a lawful designation promoting people in learning and practicing Dhamma every Buddhist Holy Day, and c) having a lawful designation for having Buddhist Holy Days and Sundays to be public holidays.   These presented configuration well comply with family case studies stated The Model strengthening Thai families in the integrated Buddhist, Thai society, and the factors of every indicator, including the process of strengthening Thai families at present. 

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How to Cite
Kongjan, W. (2016). The Model of Strengthening the Stability of the Family by Buddhist Integration. วารสารสันติศึกษาปริทรรศน์ มจร, 4(sp1), 257–269. สืบค้น จาก